blue fish

Premiered in April 2017

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Photo by William Frederking

Triggered by the nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima, Japan, blue fish reflects upon the dignity of life. Evoking a sense of hope, blue fish explores the possibility for equilibrium, embracing both stillness and chaos as the paths for transformation, recognizing that humans are nature itself.


“fearless experimentation,” “… the essence of life, of engagement and understanding, of living organisms anonymous, possibly insignificant alone, but potentially germane to nature and the world as a whole. … question our role as human beings…fearless in its inherent and extrinsic exploration of self.” Lenzo, Kris & Lenzo, Sheri. “Water, Life, Rebirth.” Picture this Post, 9 May 2017.

Solo, 54 minutes, Portable Sets & Props, Recorded Sound